DIG.I.T.ABLE Project
DIG.I.T.ABLE (DIGital Inclusive Trainers for AccessiBLE Education) is a project that intends to define a training standard for inclusive digital trainers, implement a VET training standard and transfer to participants innovative teaching approaches, engagement strategies and user-friendly tools for the development of learner centered inclusive digital trainings.
Inclusive and accessible vocational training programs will not only help people with sensory disabilities, increasing their participation in the labor market, but will also improve the skills of professional trainers and expand their job opportunities.

The project has an overall duration of 33 months,
from 20/01/2022 to 10/10/2024

We aim to use ICT for people with disabilities,
facilitating the use of online service, the content
and removing barriers.

Our main concern is about 3 levels: access to
web platforms from users with disabilities,
contents of learning and activities.
The project will accommodate 120
participants from the direct target group
(professional trainers) and 50 participants
with visual and hearing impairments
(indirect target group).
DIG.I.T.ABLE Project
DIG.I.T.ABLE (DIGital Inclusive Trainers for AccessiBLE Education) is a project that intends to define a training standard for inclusive digital trainers, implement a VET training standard and transfer to participants innovative teaching approaches, engagement strategies and user-friendly tools for the development of learner centered inclusive digital trainings.
Inclusive and accessible vocational training programs will not only help people with sensory disabilities, increasing their participation in the labor market, but will also improve the skills of professional trainers and expand their job opportunities.

The project has an overall duration of
33 months,
from 20/01/2022 to 10/10/2024

Our main concern is about 3 levels:
access to web platforms from users
with disabilities, contents of learning
and activities.

The project will accommodate 120
participants from the direct target group
(professional trainers) and 50 participants
with visual and hearing impairments
(indirect target group).

We aim to use ICT for people with disabilities, facilitating the use of online service, the content
and removing barriers.
Beneficiaries of the project

People with sensory disabilities
From studies on the level of accessibility, it appears that distance learning does not fully respond to the needs of people with sensory disabilities. Technological accessibility is not sufficient to guarantee a truly inclusive experience because it does not translate into the possibility of fully participating in an online training experience.
In order to be a rewarding experience for all, distance learning accessibility must be conceived in a holistic sense. The project intends to create replicable guidelines, capable of including and enhancing standards already existing by integrating them with new procedures and practical tools.
Professional trainers
According to TALIS data, 26% of trainers do not feel prepared to teach through the use of digital technologies. Among the challenges that trainers face we find:
– Lack of digital skills for the effective use of platforms, the creation of digital educational content and the inclusion of students with disabilities
– Lack of distance learning methodologies
In this context, the project intends to provide professional trainers with the mindset and the motivational and practical tools to make the most of the potential of an inclusive digital training.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Licensed under Creative Commons

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – Sharealike 4.0 International License.