Our goals
Eliminating The Digital Gap
Improve the alignment between the skills of professional trainers and the needs of the labor market through new skills and specialized digital competences
Expanding the job opportunities of professional trainers through the acquisition of inclusive teaching skills that allow them to involve also groups of learners with special training needs
Improve the attractiveness of online continuing professional training, both for learners and trainers, through dynamic, interactive and engaging digital training approaches and tools
Broaden the career opportunities of workers with sensory (visual and hearing) disabilities through the increase of accessible and inclusive online vocational training opportunities
Increase the quality and impact of the activities implemented by continuing vocational training organizations, through the exchange of good practices for planning and developing the inclusive digital skills
Our results
The project contributes to the general objectives through the achievement of the following SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:

Improvement of trainers digital skills, knowledge and ability to use specific methodological tools and approaches for distance learning, with a particular focus on designing online courses that are dynamic, interactive, engaging and inclusive (at least 120 trainers involved)

Improvement of the accessibility and inclusiveness of continuing professional training online for people with sensory disabilities (visual and hearing) (at least 50 people with sensory disabilities involved in the pilot course)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Licensed under Creative Commons

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – Sharealike 4.0 International License.