1. Entry Test ENG Version

InterMediaKT Entry Test ENG Version

Welcome to THE ON-LINE CERTIFIED TRAINING COURSE FOR DIGITAL INCLUSIVE TRAINERS ENTRY TEST! This questionnaire is designed to understand your level of knowledge and experience related to the topics that will be explored during the course. The results will allow the teachers to tailor the content to your actual needs and make the course as anchored as possible to your training needs.  

We ask you, therefore, to fill out the questionnaire carefully and, in case of uncertainty, not to consult external sources.  

 We thank you for your contribution! 

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InterMediaKT Entry Test
Name and Surname:

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1-About the challenges that trainers face in inclusive training approaches, flag the incorrect alternative: 

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2-Which of the following elements is improperly listed among the benefits of digital learning:

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3-Which of the following symptoms does not manifest itself in hearing loss

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4-What is the correct way of delivering knowledge to people with vision disability?

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5-What are the major barriers that hinder deaf people from being fully included in the society?

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6-How many sign languages exist worldwide?

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7-With regard to groups of trainees in which there are people with visual and hearing disabilities, which approach among the following is to be considered correct?

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8-With regard to groups of trainees in which there are people with visual and hearing disabilities, which approach among the following is to be considered correct?

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9-With regard to groups of trainees in which there are people with visual and hearing disabilities, which approach among the following is to be considered correct?

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10-About online learning for learners with visual disabilities which of the following statements is not true?

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11-Which of the following facts can make the teacher aware about visually disability?

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12-Which of the following solutions can be adopted by trainers to solve the unforeseen difficulties of learners with sensory disabilities?

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13-Which of the following solutions can be adopted by trainers to solve unexpected difficulties of trainees with sensory disabilities? (more than one answers can be correct)

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14-Which of the following solutions can be adopted by trainers to solve difficulties of trainees with sensory disabilities? (more than one answers can be correct)

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15-Which of the following functions is not performed by a screen reader:

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16-When creating a PPT for students with low vision, carefully consider the following things (exclude the inappropriate one): 

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17-Referring to people with sensory disabilities, which of the following statements is not present in the European Disability Strategy? :

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18-In serious games, we can find some core elements that contribute to both the entertainment and the learning effectiveness; which of the following would you exclude:

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19-About relationships in an inclusive approach, to manage the classroom which of the following statements is preferable:

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21-About cooperation with specialists which of the following statements is correct:

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22-It is correct to apply evaluation tools on people with sensory disabilities?

Your score is

The average score is 66%


co-funded by european union


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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