5. Final Test

InterMediaKT Final test-ENG version




Welcome to the final test of the asynchronous part of THE ON-LINE CERTIFIED TRAINING COURSE FOR DIGITAL INCLUSIVE TRAINERS course. 

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess your level of learning and awareness in relation to the topics explored. We ask you, therefore, to fill out the quiz carefully and, in case of uncertainty, not to consult external sources. 

We are confident that you will put all the knowledge you have acquired into play. 

Good luck with the test!

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InterMediaKT Final Test
Name and Surname:

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1- To avoid dispersion of information, all students, including those with visual and hearing disabilities, should use one method of interaction and sharing, namely the smartphone"

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2-Which of the following actions is recommend to prepare for an inclusive video conference? 

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3-When designing accessible content for users of screen readers, information should be provided exclusively through pictures and videos. 

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4-For whom should we apply “Use descriptive texts for links and titles when designing accessible content? 

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5- According to the interview targeting workers and unemployed people with sensory disabilities , what kind of learning method do participant prefer most for an online training course?  

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6- Assessment of learning require flexible ways, methods, materials, etc. for students to minimized barriers and learning opportunities maximized. 

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7-When designing for users with hearing difficulties, which of the following practices is NOT recommended? 

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8-What is an important action to take when preparing for learning assessment sessions to ensure accessibility to students?

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9-When designing for users with hearing difficulties, which of the following practices is recommended?

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10-According to the interview targeting workers and unemployed people with sensory disabilities , during an Online Training Course, which tool did most participant have used? 

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11-What should be done to support people with sensory disabilities in performing any drills?

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 12-According to the interview targeting workers and unemployed people with sensory disabilities, what should motivate an inclusive online trainer?

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13-What does the ideal trainer for people with visual disabilities use, as mentioned in the interview?

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14- What are the best practices for managing a serious game?

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15-What does the ideal trainer use for people with hearing disabilities, as mentioned in the interview?

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16-When designing for users of screen readers, which of the following practices is recommended?

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17- What thing should be consider for students with hearing disabilities?

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18-When designing for users with visually disabilities  , which of the following practices is recommended?

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19-According to the interview targeting workers and unemployed people with sensory disabilities , what type of study materials do the majority of online training participants prefer?

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20- Which is the most important characteristics a trainer must have for online training, according to the interview targeting workers and unemployed people with sensory disabilities?

Your score is

The average score is 81%


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